This application has been developed by experts to allow you to use it easily. You can put the names you frequently mention in the simple interface, chanting option and your list. There is also an application search option.
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"The most beautiful names belong to God. Pray to him with those beautiful names." (Purgatory 7/180)
The degree of a person who continues to remember Allah increases both in the sight of Allah and in the sight of people. Among people; Beloved, respected and mentioned becomes a valuable person.
Esma-ul Husna is a term used for the names of Allah. Esma-i Hüsna is not limited to 99 names, it has deep meanings. Here is the reality of Esma-i Hüsna ... The composition of Esmâ-i Hüsnâ (Esmâü'l-Hüsnâ), which is composed of the words asma, which is the plural of the name and the words “beautiful, the most beautiful”, refers to the names attributed to Allah in the nas. There are more than 100 divine names only in the Quran; There are other names attributed to Allah in various hadiths. Although the composition of Esmâ-i Hüsnâ includes all of them in a broad sense, it is accepted that it includes ninety-nine names as a term.
The word hüsnâ in the composition of Esmâ-i Hüsnâ has been regarded as an adjective in the meaning of “beautiful” or ism-i tafdîl in the meaning of “the most beautiful”. In both cases, the beauty here emphasizes a fact and does not remind the opponent of the mefhûm-i, since a name of Allah that is not beautiful cannot be mentioned.
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I hope it will be useful for your use.
"The most beautiful names belong to God. Pray to him with those beautiful names." (Purgatory 7/180)
The degree of a person who continues to remember Allah increases both in the sight of Allah and in the sight of people. Among people; Beloved, respected and mentioned becomes a valuable person.
Esma-ul Husna is a term used for the names of Allah. Esma-i Hüsna is not limited to 99 names, it has deep meanings. Here is the reality of Esma-i Hüsna ... The composition of Esmâ-i Hüsnâ (Esmâü'l-Hüsnâ), which is composed of the words asma, which is the plural of the name and the words “beautiful, the most beautiful”, refers to the names attributed to Allah in the nas. There are more than 100 divine names only in the Quran; There are other names attributed to Allah in various hadiths. Although the composition of Esmâ-i Hüsnâ includes all of them in a broad sense, it is accepted that it includes ninety-nine names as a term.
The word hüsnâ in the composition of Esmâ-i Hüsnâ has been regarded as an adjective in the meaning of “beautiful” or ism-i tafdîl in the meaning of “the most beautiful”. In both cases, the beauty here emphasizes a fact and does not remind the opponent of the mefhûm-i, since a name of Allah that is not beautiful cannot be mentioned.
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