Do you have a personal or business voicemail that you need to save but your carrier’s system keeps asking you to delete voicemails to make room for more?
If so, we have created the Voicemail Saver to work with your Android's Visual Voicemail so that you can save your voicemails Privately.
If you do not have visual voicemail, reach out to us on the LIVE CHAT.
Since March 2019, Google prohibited the access to the call log to all call recoding apps. YOUR DATA: Your call recordings are temporarily saved on your phone so that you can forward the recording to the Voicemail Saver. Once you forward the recording to the Voicemail Saver, that recording is permanently erased from your phone. We do not use your Data (recording) for any other purpose.
The Google Terms of Service apply to the use of this app and the Google Privacy Policy describes how data is handled.
Remember, if you lose your phone or upgrade to a new one, just download the Voicemail Saver to your new phone, sign in with your email address and your password and voila! Your voicemails are there!
NEW FEATURE: Picture and Video Upload!
Voicemail Saver customers can now save Pictures and Videos to the Voicemail Saver PRIVATELY! All pictures and videos are encrypted - not even Google can see your pictures or videos, only you. Even we can't see them! Your privacy is our top priority.
For only $19.95 per year, customers can upload their pictures and videos privately (encrypted) and have them at their fingertips with Biometrics using facial or fingerprint recognition. Most iPhone owners pay $10.00 per month to store pics and videos. Our charge is only once per year.
Invite all of your friends from your social media accounts using our "Invite" feature. They will thank you for the invite.
PRICE INFORMATION: We charge $3.99 for the download, encrypt all information, and create your own app. You then have 3 free days to play with the app. If you decide to keep the app, the system will charge you $4.99 ONCE PER YEAR.
Please email, call, or text us if you have any questions.
The VoicemailSaver is Patent Pending.
If so, we have created the Voicemail Saver to work with your Android's Visual Voicemail so that you can save your voicemails Privately.
If you do not have visual voicemail, reach out to us on the LIVE CHAT.
Since March 2019, Google prohibited the access to the call log to all call recoding apps. YOUR DATA: Your call recordings are temporarily saved on your phone so that you can forward the recording to the Voicemail Saver. Once you forward the recording to the Voicemail Saver, that recording is permanently erased from your phone. We do not use your Data (recording) for any other purpose.
The Google Terms of Service apply to the use of this app and the Google Privacy Policy describes how data is handled.
Remember, if you lose your phone or upgrade to a new one, just download the Voicemail Saver to your new phone, sign in with your email address and your password and voila! Your voicemails are there!
NEW FEATURE: Picture and Video Upload!
Voicemail Saver customers can now save Pictures and Videos to the Voicemail Saver PRIVATELY! All pictures and videos are encrypted - not even Google can see your pictures or videos, only you. Even we can't see them! Your privacy is our top priority.
For only $19.95 per year, customers can upload their pictures and videos privately (encrypted) and have them at their fingertips with Biometrics using facial or fingerprint recognition. Most iPhone owners pay $10.00 per month to store pics and videos. Our charge is only once per year.
Invite all of your friends from your social media accounts using our "Invite" feature. They will thank you for the invite.
PRICE INFORMATION: We charge $3.99 for the download, encrypt all information, and create your own app. You then have 3 free days to play with the app. If you decide to keep the app, the system will charge you $4.99 ONCE PER YEAR.
Please email, call, or text us if you have any questions.
The VoicemailSaver is Patent Pending.
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