"Azan" mөselman Internet radiostantsiyase, Tatarstan Җөmһүriyate mөselmannary Diniya nәzarәteneң structures өleshe bularak, үzenә Maksat ITEP kiң җәmәgatchelekkә Islam dineneң hack kyymmәtlәren җitkerүne, millәtebez үseshenә өlesh kertүne hammering.
Islam Efirda dyne nigezlәre, prayer UCF uraza tәrtiplәre Toth, haҗ gamәlenә bagyshlangan aerym tapshyrular, Rossiyaneң tөrle tөbәklәre һәm RT rayonnary dynes әһellәre vәgazlәre, gakyydә, fikһ mәsәlәlәre, Korәn tәfsire, pәygambәrebez Mөhәmmәd (s.g.v) sөnnәte, hәdislәre һәm tormysh whirligig, әdәp-әhlak, gailә dәreslәre, pәygambәrlәr tarihy, Dini audiokitaplar, kөn dә kirәkle dogalar, mәchet-mәdrәsәlәr tarihy, Tatars body sүz baylygy, kүrenekle shәheslәr turyndagy sәhifәlәr, sabyylar өchen gyybrәtle kyyssalar, Dini әdәbiyat, shigriyat, bәet-mөnәҗәtlә p, һәm, әlbәttә, azan yagyry.
Peigambәrebezneң (s.g.v.): "Korәn ukylgan yortka fәreshtәlәr tөshә, anda mal arta, bәrәkәt iңә”, - digәn hәdisenә tayanyp, ethereal ¼ өleshe Korәni Kәrimgә bүep.
"Azan" radio site http://azan.fm site, "Fly" cable television, Google Play Market Appм App Store
Youңlauchylar Yasha: 12+
The Internet radio station "Azan", which is a structural unit of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan, aims to disseminate the true values of Islam among the general public.
The program broadcasts the basics of Islam (the rules of prayer, fasting, and hajj), sermons by religious leaders of the regions of Tatarstan and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, programs on important Islamic sciences, such as akyyda, fiqh, tafsir of the Koran, Sunnah, hadith and biography Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), adabs and mores, family lessons, stories of prophets, headings of the vocabulary of the Tatar language, prayers for every day, stories of mosques and madrassas, biographies of prominent personalities, parables for children, religious poetry, nasheeds and, of course , Azan.
Based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) “In the house where the Quran is read, a family grows, the barakat grows, the angels descend into this house and the shaitan escapes from there,” ¼ part of the etheric sound was dedicated to the Holy Quran.
Listen to “Azan” radio on the website http://azan.fm and via “Fly” cable television, or by downloading the official app on the Google Play Market and the App Store.
Listeners age: 12 +
Islam Efirda dyne nigezlәre, prayer UCF uraza tәrtiplәre Toth, haҗ gamәlenә bagyshlangan aerym tapshyrular, Rossiyaneң tөrle tөbәklәre һәm RT rayonnary dynes әһellәre vәgazlәre, gakyydә, fikһ mәsәlәlәre, Korәn tәfsire, pәygambәrebez Mөhәmmәd (s.g.v) sөnnәte, hәdislәre һәm tormysh whirligig, әdәp-әhlak, gailә dәreslәre, pәygambәrlәr tarihy, Dini audiokitaplar, kөn dә kirәkle dogalar, mәchet-mәdrәsәlәr tarihy, Tatars body sүz baylygy, kүrenekle shәheslәr turyndagy sәhifәlәr, sabyylar өchen gyybrәtle kyyssalar, Dini әdәbiyat, shigriyat, bәet-mөnәҗәtlә p, һәm, әlbәttә, azan yagyry.
Peigambәrebezneң (s.g.v.): "Korәn ukylgan yortka fәreshtәlәr tөshә, anda mal arta, bәrәkәt iңә”, - digәn hәdisenә tayanyp, ethereal ¼ өleshe Korәni Kәrimgә bүep.
"Azan" radio site http://azan.fm site, "Fly" cable television, Google Play Market Appм App Store
Youңlauchylar Yasha: 12+
The Internet radio station "Azan", which is a structural unit of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan, aims to disseminate the true values of Islam among the general public.
The program broadcasts the basics of Islam (the rules of prayer, fasting, and hajj), sermons by religious leaders of the regions of Tatarstan and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, programs on important Islamic sciences, such as akyyda, fiqh, tafsir of the Koran, Sunnah, hadith and biography Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), adabs and mores, family lessons, stories of prophets, headings of the vocabulary of the Tatar language, prayers for every day, stories of mosques and madrassas, biographies of prominent personalities, parables for children, religious poetry, nasheeds and, of course , Azan.
Based on the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) “In the house where the Quran is read, a family grows, the barakat grows, the angels descend into this house and the shaitan escapes from there,” ¼ part of the etheric sound was dedicated to the Holy Quran.
Listen to “Azan” radio on the website http://azan.fm and via “Fly” cable television, or by downloading the official app on the Google Play Market and the App Store.
Listeners age: 12 +
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