Landlords is a stand-alone screen fine, brilliant special effects, operating refreshing Landlords chess competitive games and has beautiful interface, dynamic music, a simple operation for Landlords players a smooth and rhythmic feel of the game. And also AI has a strong and intelligent prompts. PCs with high intelligence, gives players a strong opponent.
An entire game interface no advertising, so annoying ads no longer impede your vision, blase go.
2 powerful AI and automated prompts.
3 full voice, and a distinction between men and women, so that you will be able to recognize each other's identity in one ear.
4 classification: Permanent tenant poor peasant fisherman hunter middle peasants kulaks, etc. until the emperor rather multiple levels.
5 A variety of theme options. Put your favorite background theme.
6 beautiful background music, accompanied by refreshing sound, you can always turn off and turn on those sounds. Operate freely.
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- Modify upgrade interface
- Landscaping game fonts
An entire game interface no advertising, so annoying ads no longer impede your vision, blase go.
2 powerful AI and automated prompts.
3 full voice, and a distinction between men and women, so that you will be able to recognize each other's identity in one ear.
4 classification: Permanent tenant poor peasant fisherman hunter middle peasants kulaks, etc. until the emperor rather multiple levels.
5 A variety of theme options. Put your favorite background theme.
6 beautiful background music, accompanied by refreshing sound, you can always turn off and turn on those sounds. Operate freely.
************************************************** *****
- Modify upgrade interface
- Landscaping game fonts
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