Mobile Personal Account "IZet telecom" - allows subscribers to receive information about their tariff, debts, payments, news, and also allows you to take a deferred payment, replenish the balance, leave a message to those. support.
My tariff - tariff information and a list of monthly services.
Pay - allows you to top up your balance.
Promised payment - allows you to take a deferred payment.
My finances:
Provides a list of payments.
They allow you to get a list of messages, it also allows you to send a message to those. support.
Lets get a list of news.
My tariff - tariff information and a list of monthly services.
Pay - allows you to top up your balance.
Promised payment - allows you to take a deferred payment.
My finances:
Provides a list of payments.
They allow you to get a list of messages, it also allows you to send a message to those. support.
Lets get a list of news.
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