We are currently facing a very competitive industrial scenario, where the largest percentage of manufacturers are aware of the potential of Digitization.
In order to achieve a correct Digitization of the factories, one of the following points must be attacked as a minimum:
● Factory automation, in order to save costs and improve quality.
● Collection, analysis and use of all available data throughout the supply chain.
Any software that you want to use to strengthen the Digitization of a company must be capable of facilitating the end user to achieve the above points.
In a situation of notable advances in the technological field, the use of new technologies or emerging technologies can be decisive when competing within the industrial environment.
For this reason, due to the explosion that the Digitalization of the Industry is having, over the years various tools have emerged that have managed to consolidate as reference systems in this field.
Around this type of systems such as ERPs, MES systems, SCADAs, CMMS, etc., countless plugins and softwares have been created that fit with the previous ones, reinforcing their functionality or that can even perform a function desired by the end user independently. .
In this field, alternatives linked to the latest Digitalization trends arise, such as:
● Augmented Reality (AR)
● Virtual Reality (VR)
● Mixed Reality
● Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The main objective of any Industry 4.0 provider is to go one step further, to offer one more alternative, one more complement that any manufacturer can incorporate in their day-to-day life and favor the digitization of their factory.
Continuing with the latter, from IndustrAR we develop different solutions focused on facilitating the day-to-day of the factories, optimizing time and resources, and having information where and when required.
We have developed the “IAR DEMO" app, which aims to introduce users to the possibilities offered by Augmented Reality in production environments.
The purpose of the tool is to offer the interaction of the different indicators with which the plant works in an agile, intuitive, dynamic and novel way.
Using a mobile or tablet, you can access, focusing with the device's camera on the configured points, all the information that is required. For example, you can have the indicators for a specific area, line, or machine.
The user can obtain the predefined indicators for the different images of manufacturing lines found on the IndustrAR website: https://www.industrar.com/demo.
In the case of the production line (image 1), the app will display on the screen all the relevant information provided by the indicators that make up the line:
- OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness).
- Registered staff vs. Target staff.
- Actual speed vs. target speed.
- Result of controls and pending controls.
For each of these indicators, by clicking on the respective tables, you access the detail screen where the origin of these is explained in an intuitive way.
On the other hand, for components such as silos (image 2), another series of representative indicators have been established:
- Status of the accused.
- Capacity of the silos.
- Number of incidents detected vs. Incidents treated.
- Actual vs. target temperature control.
In the same way as for the previous image, the user has the option of analyzing in depth the origin of this information by clicking on each of the boxes listed above.
This DEMO is a simulation, we look for the perfect solution for each company. You can find many other projects carried out together with J3 Reality on the IndustrAR website: https://www.industrar.com/proyectos
In order to achieve a correct Digitization of the factories, one of the following points must be attacked as a minimum:
● Factory automation, in order to save costs and improve quality.
● Collection, analysis and use of all available data throughout the supply chain.
Any software that you want to use to strengthen the Digitization of a company must be capable of facilitating the end user to achieve the above points.
In a situation of notable advances in the technological field, the use of new technologies or emerging technologies can be decisive when competing within the industrial environment.
For this reason, due to the explosion that the Digitalization of the Industry is having, over the years various tools have emerged that have managed to consolidate as reference systems in this field.
Around this type of systems such as ERPs, MES systems, SCADAs, CMMS, etc., countless plugins and softwares have been created that fit with the previous ones, reinforcing their functionality or that can even perform a function desired by the end user independently. .
In this field, alternatives linked to the latest Digitalization trends arise, such as:
● Augmented Reality (AR)
● Virtual Reality (VR)
● Mixed Reality
● Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The main objective of any Industry 4.0 provider is to go one step further, to offer one more alternative, one more complement that any manufacturer can incorporate in their day-to-day life and favor the digitization of their factory.
Continuing with the latter, from IndustrAR we develop different solutions focused on facilitating the day-to-day of the factories, optimizing time and resources, and having information where and when required.
We have developed the “IAR DEMO" app, which aims to introduce users to the possibilities offered by Augmented Reality in production environments.
The purpose of the tool is to offer the interaction of the different indicators with which the plant works in an agile, intuitive, dynamic and novel way.
Using a mobile or tablet, you can access, focusing with the device's camera on the configured points, all the information that is required. For example, you can have the indicators for a specific area, line, or machine.
The user can obtain the predefined indicators for the different images of manufacturing lines found on the IndustrAR website: https://www.industrar.com/demo.
In the case of the production line (image 1), the app will display on the screen all the relevant information provided by the indicators that make up the line:
- OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness).
- Registered staff vs. Target staff.
- Actual speed vs. target speed.
- Result of controls and pending controls.
For each of these indicators, by clicking on the respective tables, you access the detail screen where the origin of these is explained in an intuitive way.
On the other hand, for components such as silos (image 2), another series of representative indicators have been established:
- Status of the accused.
- Capacity of the silos.
- Number of incidents detected vs. Incidents treated.
- Actual vs. target temperature control.
In the same way as for the previous image, the user has the option of analyzing in depth the origin of this information by clicking on each of the boxes listed above.
This DEMO is a simulation, we look for the perfect solution for each company. You can find many other projects carried out together with J3 Reality on the IndustrAR website: https://www.industrar.com/proyectos
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