An application developed with an aim of complete and efficient utilisation of natural resources i.e. standing timber, agroforestry crops and other produce. SustainTrack is a mobile application developed to support collection, compilation and reporting of field data electronically with respect to the Chain of Custody (COC) or Traceability and Tracking of natural products. The application also supports digitization of field data such as girth, height, canopy cover and other. The application can be used to collect data from standings crops (trees, agriculture crops, medicinal plants, herbs and shrubs). The application has the capabilities to successfully augment a complete data management system with online and offline registration of field data from forests, agroforestry farms, natural and private plantations, trees outside forests, private lands, degraded and wastelands as well as restoration sites. It also helps in effective and efficient planning and execution of short and long term management plans leading to sustainable management of natural resources.
SustainTrack has been designed in such a way that it makes it possible for a skilled and unskilled user to collect field data. App supports capturing of data by taking photos and scanning barcodes/ QR codes. It also includes essential features like automatic creations of Geo-special reference of the point of data collection. The app works in On-line and Off-line mode. Registration of online and offline data in remote areas is supported through Mobile Devices. Information collected in the field can be accessed from any connected device and on
Objective - The app is developed with an objective to provide a potential solution for reducing deforestation, maintaining forests; restoring degraded lands and expanding agroforestry; and building green value chains. An effort to support restoration and sustainable production and consumption of natural resources. Green value chains help in generating sustainable economic and social benefits through green recovery, mitigating environmental and biodiversity losses, including climate change crisis.
Benefits to Customers - The SustainTrack helps in providing following benefits to the users/ customers.
1. Transparency - allows the organization to maintain transparency across all levels i.e. from field workers to top-management and also with buyers
2. Access to Global Markets - app helps in creating credible mechanisms ensuring transparent information sharing across transnational boundaries with the help of granting access to reports and data available globally.
3. Improved performance and returns from sustainable management of resources - app certainly enhances efficiency of collection of field data followed by automatic reporting and data analysis resulting in higher returns in perpetuity through tangible and intangible gains due to sustainable management of natural resources
4.Improved compliance level - App supports collecting data required for maintaining public disclosures in line with statutory and regulatory compliance requirements prevailing in global trade. Compilation of such data at periodic intervals or as and when necessary helps organizations to improve their compliance level locally and globally.
Promotional Use - The app can also be used for promotional purposes subject to written consent through email or otherwise in paper from The SustainTrack Back-office Support Team.
SustainTrack has been designed in such a way that it makes it possible for a skilled and unskilled user to collect field data. App supports capturing of data by taking photos and scanning barcodes/ QR codes. It also includes essential features like automatic creations of Geo-special reference of the point of data collection. The app works in On-line and Off-line mode. Registration of online and offline data in remote areas is supported through Mobile Devices. Information collected in the field can be accessed from any connected device and on
Objective - The app is developed with an objective to provide a potential solution for reducing deforestation, maintaining forests; restoring degraded lands and expanding agroforestry; and building green value chains. An effort to support restoration and sustainable production and consumption of natural resources. Green value chains help in generating sustainable economic and social benefits through green recovery, mitigating environmental and biodiversity losses, including climate change crisis.
Benefits to Customers - The SustainTrack helps in providing following benefits to the users/ customers.
1. Transparency - allows the organization to maintain transparency across all levels i.e. from field workers to top-management and also with buyers
2. Access to Global Markets - app helps in creating credible mechanisms ensuring transparent information sharing across transnational boundaries with the help of granting access to reports and data available globally.
3. Improved performance and returns from sustainable management of resources - app certainly enhances efficiency of collection of field data followed by automatic reporting and data analysis resulting in higher returns in perpetuity through tangible and intangible gains due to sustainable management of natural resources
4.Improved compliance level - App supports collecting data required for maintaining public disclosures in line with statutory and regulatory compliance requirements prevailing in global trade. Compilation of such data at periodic intervals or as and when necessary helps organizations to improve their compliance level locally and globally.
Promotional Use - The app can also be used for promotional purposes subject to written consent through email or otherwise in paper from The SustainTrack Back-office Support Team.
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