What is DroneRTS, DroneSSR Viewer?
Video sent by drones can be seen on remote mobile viewer apps.
You can select and view specific drone video and switch to other drone images at the same time.
DroneRTS, DroneSSR configuration
* DroneRTS FPV: It's for sending real-time videos, location and flight status information of drones to remote control tower.
* DroneRTS Control tower: JCH DroneRTS is the video drone control system that integrates videos and flight data, which can be monitored and controlled from the main control center. Also, this video drone control system displays Drone's navigational information based on the GIS(Geographic Information System).
* DroneRTS Viewer: Video sent by drones can be seen on remote mobile viewer apps.
How to use.
1. Join the DroneRTS website. (www.dronerts.com)
2. Register user for the viewer.
3. It can only be used when the drone is in flight.
Utilization Cases
1. Monitoring on Missing Person Search
2. Monitoring on Surveillance and Security
3. Monitoring on Fire & Disaster
4. Facility inspection
Video sent by drones can be seen on remote mobile viewer apps.
You can select and view specific drone video and switch to other drone images at the same time.
DroneRTS, DroneSSR configuration
* DroneRTS FPV: It's for sending real-time videos, location and flight status information of drones to remote control tower.
* DroneRTS Control tower: JCH DroneRTS is the video drone control system that integrates videos and flight data, which can be monitored and controlled from the main control center. Also, this video drone control system displays Drone's navigational information based on the GIS(Geographic Information System).
* DroneRTS Viewer: Video sent by drones can be seen on remote mobile viewer apps.
How to use.
1. Join the DroneRTS website. (www.dronerts.com)
2. Register user for the viewer.
3. It can only be used when the drone is in flight.
Utilization Cases
1. Monitoring on Missing Person Search
2. Monitoring on Surveillance and Security
3. Monitoring on Fire & Disaster
4. Facility inspection
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