섯다 족보 (섯족) - 섯다 패 조합, 섯다 초보자,  icon

섯다 족보 (섯족) - 섯다 패 조합, 섯다 초보자,

500+ downloads

About 섯다 족보 (섯족) - 섯다 패 조합, 섯다 초보자,

Look at Yerim! Are you a chapter?
I'll take a look at this genealogy of "Seotjok"~

How to use

1. Choose two cards.
Prepare the seotjok app!
- Koh Gwang-ryeol "Come on, you're on your way"

2. Check the genealogy ranking on the right.
Be careful not to reveal your genealogy to your opponent!
- Jjak-gwi "Never look into the eyes of the other person when you're swearing"

3. Enjoy the game.
- Kwak Cheol-yong "Hey young friend, act like a gentleman"

4. Press the refresh button and select a hand again to play the game.
The game is moderately fun and competitive!
- Goni "I will use this app because it's good"

5. Write an app review after a fun game.
The star blot is love!
- Maw "Do I look like Bingdari hot pants?"

The genealogy rankings on the right are in descending order.
Therefore, the genealogy at the top is the stronger genealogy.

developed by couple J&D

섯다 족보 (섯족) - 섯다 패 조합, 섯다 초보자, Screenshots