In this app, you can find majority of insurance panel hospital in Malaysia listed in the directory. Sometime we will not know the insurance company that we purchased, which hospital provide panelship and in emergency we need to locate it.
Insurance panel hospital Malaysia , both west and east Malaysia we provide in the list to guide you. In this app you can find the panel insurance hospital in Malaysia as listed below:
1)Great Eastern Life Malaysia
2)AIA Berhad
3)Prudential Malaysia
4.)Manulife Malaysia
5.)AmMetLife Malaysia
6.)AXA Affin
7)Hong Leong Assurance
8)MSIG Malaysia
9)Tokio Marine Life
10)Zurich Malaysia
Please be informed that insurance company will list new or end panelship with the hospital from time to time. Therefore, please check the latest list of panel hospital in each insurance company respectively as more accurate information.
Insurance panel hospital Malaysia , both west and east Malaysia we provide in the list to guide you. In this app you can find the panel insurance hospital in Malaysia as listed below:
1)Great Eastern Life Malaysia
2)AIA Berhad
3)Prudential Malaysia
4.)Manulife Malaysia
5.)AmMetLife Malaysia
6.)AXA Affin
7)Hong Leong Assurance
8)MSIG Malaysia
9)Tokio Marine Life
10)Zurich Malaysia
Please be informed that insurance company will list new or end panelship with the hospital from time to time. Therefore, please check the latest list of panel hospital in each insurance company respectively as more accurate information.
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