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Study Korean language pronunciation with free Korean shadowing.

From time to time, many Korean instructors are highly recommending students to introduce the benefits of shadowing.

Especially, since it is effective in Korean listening area, it can be said that it is effective in preparation for Korean listening test.

Korean shadowing is a very interesting way to learn a foreign language. If you are currently learning a foreign language and looking for something different, then shadowing is worth trying.

The simplest explanation of shadowing is to listen to a foreign language voice and read it at the same time. When you listen to the voice, you must read the script aloud.

First, Korean shadowing is known to be an effective learning method for listening and pronunciation. Because you are listening, you have to hear a lot, and there is a side effect to concentrate as much as you can to talk along.
As time goes by, Korean pronunciation gets closer to the pronunciation of the native speaker and starts to hear sentences that I can pronounce.

There is an absolute connection between Korean listening and Korean pronunciation.
As the Korean pronunciation is improved and the pronunciation of Korean is improved with the Korean shadowing, there is a possibility to listen to a more detailed Korean pronunciation, and again the more detailed Korean pronunciation is heard. You will repeat the process of improvement.

You will notice a huge difference in the Korean pronunciation of Korean and the Korean pronunciation of Korean while doing Korean shadowing.

When Korean pronunciation is improved through Korean shadowing, the confidence of Korean speaking begins to increase.

Shadowing comes from the word Shadow. It is easy to talk, to listen to a sentence in a foreign language, to look at it with eyes, and to read along with your mouth.

Recommended Korean shadowing method.

(1) Try to read Korean while reading

If you listen to me, you do not hear me. You need to hear it. After understanding the contents, I listen to the voices while listening. Of course, we will be late than the native speaker reads. But do not be frustrated, listen to the sentence, look at it with eyes, and let's talk.

(2) Now, memorize and speak

Now it is time to recite it. If you repeatedly read the same sentence or paragraph dozens and hundreds of times, you get used to your ears and talk to your mouth to some extent. From this time on, let's not listen to the eyes, but let's hear it. When you look at the subtitles with your eyes, it sounds like it sounds much better. In other words, eyes are deceiving their heads. So, when you think you have memorized a certain amount of time, you can see that there is a slight difference when you speak while listening.

(3) Try to memorize

It is often referred to as Dictation by the school. The way you do is the same as saying the above, but it may be a little late because you write it. Of course, it does not matter if you write it in parallel with (2). I do not think there will be any more effects. Writing is important because it is the hands that remember exactly how we memorize words with our eyes and mouth. Your hand must remember that you will not make silly word mistakes in your IELTS or TOEFL writing tests.

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