This application allows you to activate all languages supported by Samsung
It works without any intervention on your part until Jelly bean (4.2.2)
From Jelly bean (4.2.2) this app will need CHANGE_CONFIGURATION permission to be able to change the system language
If you know the adb command, you can download the Adb tools on your PC and grant the CHANGE_CONFIGURATION permission manually to the application using, through your computer by connecting the smartphone via a cable, the following command:
adb shell pm grant com.jkdevandroid.languefrancais android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION
Info: Check on google for more details
If your smartphone has root access, the app can get permission automatically for you
As of Android 7 Nougat, the app will ask for a new permission to be able to write the system configuration.
Some smartphone manufacturers completely remove unused languages from the system, in which case there is nothing we can do.
We will be delighted with your suggestion :)
It works without any intervention on your part until Jelly bean (4.2.2)
From Jelly bean (4.2.2) this app will need CHANGE_CONFIGURATION permission to be able to change the system language
If you know the adb command, you can download the Adb tools on your PC and grant the CHANGE_CONFIGURATION permission manually to the application using, through your computer by connecting the smartphone via a cable, the following command:
adb shell pm grant com.jkdevandroid.languefrancais android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION
Info: Check on google for more details
If your smartphone has root access, the app can get permission automatically for you
As of Android 7 Nougat, the app will ask for a new permission to be able to write the system configuration.
Some smartphone manufacturers completely remove unused languages from the system, in which case there is nothing we can do.
We will be delighted with your suggestion :)
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