Shanti Path - Piplana icon

Shanti Path - Piplana

Prince Rabara
5.0 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About Shanti Path - Piplana

-- Shree Swaminarayan Bhagwan --
The Shanti-Path app for Android devices is a brilliant concept for bringing this holiest of scriptures right to your Android device.
The Shanti-Path is based on Shree Nilkanthvarni's van-vicharan.
Shati-Path is the small part of Bhakt-Chintamani Book.
Bhakt-Chintamani’s chapter 28 to chapter 33 are called Shati-Path.

Features :
- Font resize option for easy reading
- Easy to use

In addition, the app is in Gujarati version.

Shanti Path - Piplana Screenshots