This is Calories, Carbohydrates, Fat & Protein Calculator.
Now you can use Food Nutrients Database in this app too.
Our food database is lightweight and accessible without internet connection.
We developed this app using the best and tested formula to calculate your daily calories needs.
Calculation results depends on your gender, weight, height, age, week goal and activity:
Little or no exercise;
Light exercise 1-3 days per week;
Sports 3-5 days per week;
Hard sports 6-7 days per week;
very intensive sports and a physical job.
It is suitable for Professional Athletes, Fitness experts, Bodybuilders and even for inactive people who wants to make their diet plan.
Nutrition is as important as exercising so download Calories & Protein calculator and generate your needs !
Now you can use Food Nutrients Database in this app too.
Our food database is lightweight and accessible without internet connection.
We developed this app using the best and tested formula to calculate your daily calories needs.
Calculation results depends on your gender, weight, height, age, week goal and activity:
Little or no exercise;
Light exercise 1-3 days per week;
Sports 3-5 days per week;
Hard sports 6-7 days per week;
very intensive sports and a physical job.
It is suitable for Professional Athletes, Fitness experts, Bodybuilders and even for inactive people who wants to make their diet plan.
Nutrition is as important as exercising so download Calories & Protein calculator and generate your needs !
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