Convert Doc to Pdf, Docx to Pdf, Xls to Pdf, Xlsx to Pdf, Rtf to Pdf, Ods to Pdf, Odt to PDf. Yes, this is an All-in-one pdf converter that WORKS.
1,00,000+ Downloads Counting...
Simply, pick any document and click "Convert To PDF", its done. Once pdf is engendered, you can share the pdf via bluetooth or send it via e-mail. You can also view the converted pdf document using any of your existing PDF viewer android app (say, Adobe Reader).
You can upgrade to the Ad free + Pro version of DocToPdf anytime !
DocToPdf supports the following file conversions:
- .doc to .pdf
- .docx to .pdf
- .xls to .pdf
- .xlsx to .pdf
- .rtf to .pdf
- .odt to .pdf
- .ods to .pdf
Conversion happens online, hence Internet connection is required for this App to work. Please be patience, as the time taken to upload a document and to download pdf file depends on your Internet speed.
We have kept this App FREE and to continue the work/support, notification ads are enabled in this app. Don't complain about ads (you can the download pro version, if you don't like notification ads), your positive feedback/ratings are expected.
Thanks for downloading.
1,00,000+ Downloads Counting...
Simply, pick any document and click "Convert To PDF", its done. Once pdf is engendered, you can share the pdf via bluetooth or send it via e-mail. You can also view the converted pdf document using any of your existing PDF viewer android app (say, Adobe Reader).
You can upgrade to the Ad free + Pro version of DocToPdf anytime !
DocToPdf supports the following file conversions:
- .doc to .pdf
- .docx to .pdf
- .xls to .pdf
- .xlsx to .pdf
- .rtf to .pdf
- .odt to .pdf
- .ods to .pdf
Conversion happens online, hence Internet connection is required for this App to work. Please be patience, as the time taken to upload a document and to download pdf file depends on your Internet speed.
We have kept this App FREE and to continue the work/support, notification ads are enabled in this app. Don't complain about ads (you can the download pro version, if you don't like notification ads), your positive feedback/ratings are expected.
Thanks for downloading.
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