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JVCKENWOOD Corporation
100+ downloads

About connectDR

This application is a dedicated application for communication type drive recorder.
By using this application, you can use the following functions.

▶ Notifies the user that an abnormality is detected when parking and recording has started.
When an abnormality is detected after parking, recording starts, the recorded data is transferred to the cloud, and the app is notified at the same time.

▶ When you receive a notification, check the recorded videos and images.
You can check the video from the application screen by tapping the notification.

▶ Save video
You can save videos saved in the cloud to your device.

▶Communication settings
Use this app to set up communication from the drive recorder to the cloud.

▶Registration of drive recorder
Register the drive recorder that supports the app on this app.

▶Updating/changing the contract plan
To use the service, you need to purchase a plan.

■■About the contract plan■■
●Type of plan
 One drive recorder plan 330 yen/month
 2 drive recorder plan 640 yen/month

▶ Terms of Use

▶Privacy Policy

[Precautions for use]
・A data SIM is required for the drive recorder to communicate.
*It is also possible to communicate using your home Wi-Fi without using a data SIM. SIM is not required if you use it only in your home Wi-Fi environment.

connectDR Screenshots