Are you finding it difficult to manage where your money is going? Maybe you want to split up your savings for different purposes. Or you want to set some goals to make sure you can afford something by a deadline. Visualize your savings goal, make it meaningful, and manage your budget and expense. Use this powerful Money Savings Goal Tracker app to set your savings goal, build habits in saving money, and track the progress of your goals.
Money Saving is an app designed to motivate you and help you save money, by either having a piggy bank where you can save cash any time you want, or creating daily, weekly or monthly goals. The app will track your progress and remind you with push notifications about your money-saving objectives, and the coolest feature is that the app is completely FREE!
> Multiple goals: Track up to Unlimited goals in the free version.
> Customize goals: Assign colors to jars to improve organization and personalize them.
> Deadlines: Set time-bound goals to follow up on each financial budget. Also, see how to get there on time.
> Quick edit feature to quickly update your savings: Savings Tracker, you can update your goals in a couple of clicks.
> Import/Export feature to back up your data locally. Changing devices is not the end of your money tracking. Use this feature to bring in existing savings goals and plans in just a few clicks. No need to start over.
> View your progress over time in a beautiful graph and see how far you've come
Visualize your progress with graphs and animations
> Notifications and reminders are included so you never forget to save up money
> Create as many goals as you need
> The app is multi-language
> No internet connection is required to use the app, and it’s designed to work for every device with any software version
> We made it so fast and simple to use that you’ll be able to start saving money in a matter of seconds!
> We will constantly update our App to support a wider range of features
Motivate yourself to turn your dreams into reality with this piggy bank app. Visualize your savings goal, make it meaningful, and manage your budget and expense. Use this powerful piggy bank app to set your savings goal, build habits in saving money, and track your progress. Make your piggy bank thrive with this savings tracker app!
All-in-one savings app: Shortly, this savings app is a Piggy Bank tracker, Savings Planner, Budget Planner, Money Tracker, and Expense Manager. It simply helps you to motivate yourself to save up money and keep on track for the things you want to achieve!
Start your saving journey: Worried that you might forget about saving money for your goal? Don’t worry! This savings app could give you reminders to save up money so you can keep progressing toward your goal. What’s even more exciting is that you can add links to online stores or other sources, and add custom images, titles, descriptions, and custom targets for your goal. As a savings tracker app, it provides you with a clear list of records and a calendar view of your savings progress. You can also analyze your progress from a comprehensive chart easily by using this simple yet powerful savings app.
Features of Money Savings Goal Tracker
> Simple and easy savings app with smooth controls
> Add up to unlomited savings goal trackers and two wallets in the free
> Customize savings goal by adding a title, price tag, images, description, and links
> Various target type to choose (daily, weekly, biweekly, etc.)
> Various progress color to pick
> Easy to write down savings records with tag
> View and track your savings records on a list or calendar
> View summary of your savings target
> Analyze your performance in saving money on a line, bar, or pie chart
> Manage your expense with wallet and set daily/weekly/monthly budget
> Custom reminder to remind you of your savings goal
> Set currency and target display
> Personal and safe savings app to track savings goal and manage expense
Money Saving is an app designed to motivate you and help you save money, by either having a piggy bank where you can save cash any time you want, or creating daily, weekly or monthly goals. The app will track your progress and remind you with push notifications about your money-saving objectives, and the coolest feature is that the app is completely FREE!
> Multiple goals: Track up to Unlimited goals in the free version.
> Customize goals: Assign colors to jars to improve organization and personalize them.
> Deadlines: Set time-bound goals to follow up on each financial budget. Also, see how to get there on time.
> Quick edit feature to quickly update your savings: Savings Tracker, you can update your goals in a couple of clicks.
> Import/Export feature to back up your data locally. Changing devices is not the end of your money tracking. Use this feature to bring in existing savings goals and plans in just a few clicks. No need to start over.
> View your progress over time in a beautiful graph and see how far you've come
Visualize your progress with graphs and animations
> Notifications and reminders are included so you never forget to save up money
> Create as many goals as you need
> The app is multi-language
> No internet connection is required to use the app, and it’s designed to work for every device with any software version
> We made it so fast and simple to use that you’ll be able to start saving money in a matter of seconds!
> We will constantly update our App to support a wider range of features
Motivate yourself to turn your dreams into reality with this piggy bank app. Visualize your savings goal, make it meaningful, and manage your budget and expense. Use this powerful piggy bank app to set your savings goal, build habits in saving money, and track your progress. Make your piggy bank thrive with this savings tracker app!
All-in-one savings app: Shortly, this savings app is a Piggy Bank tracker, Savings Planner, Budget Planner, Money Tracker, and Expense Manager. It simply helps you to motivate yourself to save up money and keep on track for the things you want to achieve!
Start your saving journey: Worried that you might forget about saving money for your goal? Don’t worry! This savings app could give you reminders to save up money so you can keep progressing toward your goal. What’s even more exciting is that you can add links to online stores or other sources, and add custom images, titles, descriptions, and custom targets for your goal. As a savings tracker app, it provides you with a clear list of records and a calendar view of your savings progress. You can also analyze your progress from a comprehensive chart easily by using this simple yet powerful savings app.
Features of Money Savings Goal Tracker
> Simple and easy savings app with smooth controls
> Add up to unlomited savings goal trackers and two wallets in the free
> Customize savings goal by adding a title, price tag, images, description, and links
> Various target type to choose (daily, weekly, biweekly, etc.)
> Various progress color to pick
> Easy to write down savings records with tag
> View and track your savings records on a list or calendar
> View summary of your savings target
> Analyze your performance in saving money on a line, bar, or pie chart
> Manage your expense with wallet and set daily/weekly/monthly budget
> Custom reminder to remind you of your savings goal
> Set currency and target display
> Personal and safe savings app to track savings goal and manage expense
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