Make Extra Cash
KaaAfrika offers the opportunity for drivers to make extra cash when they want to. We let you keep most of the money you make than our competitors.
Sign up in minutes.
Download the KaaAfrika App that is made for drivers.
Are you civil servant or an employee and needs extra income to supplement your salary?
KaaAfrica is your answer.
Earn extra money from tips when you provide excellent service to the riders.
We are here 24/7 by email, phone or text or in person during office hours in our Agencies. We have listened to drivers concern for high gasoline prices and longer wait time at the customer's place. Customers pay for longer wait time over 5 minutes.
It will depend on you how you want to end money. The App has everything you need to make extra money, by bonuses, by tips, and by driver full time or part time.
Your health and well-being is our priority, and our Health and Safety program is to ensure that everyone can ride with confidence.
In some market you do not even need to own a car to be a KaaAfrika Driver.
Check with your local office or our website to find out more.
For Lyft drivers, continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
By downloading the app, you agree
(i) to receive communications from KaaAfrika, including push notifications;
(ii) to allow KaaAfrika to collect your device's language settings and location. You can opt out of receiving push notifications through your device settings.
KaaAfrika offers the opportunity for drivers to make extra cash when they want to. We let you keep most of the money you make than our competitors.
Sign up in minutes.
Download the KaaAfrika App that is made for drivers.
Are you civil servant or an employee and needs extra income to supplement your salary?
KaaAfrica is your answer.
Earn extra money from tips when you provide excellent service to the riders.
We are here 24/7 by email, phone or text or in person during office hours in our Agencies. We have listened to drivers concern for high gasoline prices and longer wait time at the customer's place. Customers pay for longer wait time over 5 minutes.
It will depend on you how you want to end money. The App has everything you need to make extra money, by bonuses, by tips, and by driver full time or part time.
Your health and well-being is our priority, and our Health and Safety program is to ensure that everyone can ride with confidence.
In some market you do not even need to own a car to be a KaaAfrika Driver.
Check with your local office or our website to find out more.
For Lyft drivers, continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
By downloading the app, you agree
(i) to receive communications from KaaAfrika, including push notifications;
(ii) to allow KaaAfrika to collect your device's language settings and location. You can opt out of receiving push notifications through your device settings.
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