History of Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer
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Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer (May 27, 1939) was a Kabbalist, author and jurist. Born in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, to Rabbi Yitzchak Baruch of the Musa family and Esther .Learned from his father Torah and writing Stam. He was educated at the Beit Midrash Beit Zelka yeshiva, headed by Rabbi Abdullah Somekh, and studied with Rabbi Elisha Dangor, among others. He was influenced by the study of Torah and Kabbalah by Rabbi Yosef Chaim - the author of "Ben Ish Chai", and was ordained by him as a teacher of justice. He married Farha in Dahuba. For his livelihood he worked as a scribe, hence his last name "scribe". On Rosh Chodesh Sivan 1904 he immigrated to Eretz Israel with his friends the rabbis Ezekiel Ezra Rahamim and Tzedaka Chutzin. Lives in the Beit Israel neighborhood of Jerusalem and studied at the Kabbalist Yeshiva Beit El. In 1909, he and Rabbi Yechezkel Ezra Halevi, his friend, founded the Shoshanim LeDavid Synagogue, where he preached on Shabbat and Yom Tov. The river, where he was a student of Rabbi Chaim Shaul HaCohen Devik. Died at the age of 69, on Saturday, 9 Sivan 1939. Buried in the Hasidic plot on the Mount of Olives. Nino is Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer, who heads the Kaf HaChaim yeshiva established in his name.
The Book of the Spoon of Life
For nearly forty years, from the age of thirty until his death, Rabbi Sofer wrote and printed his essay "Kaf HaChaim" on the Shulchan Aruch, in eight volumes on a lifestyle section and one volume on Yoreh De'a. After his death, in 5717, his sons, Shalom and Moshe Sofer, printed a new edition of the essay, and added another volume on Yoreh De'a, from his manuscript. From the key to the end of the book, in the style of the book. And together with his rabbi, Rabbi Ezra Atia, he wrote the introduction to the edition. In the year 5705, the volumes of the essay were published in a new edition, including many completions Baba Tama. The book is similar in structure to a "clear mishnah," in that they both clarify the words of the Shulchan Aruch and the rulings on the topics discussed, based on the halakhic literature throughout the generations; But unlike the clear mishnah, the "spoon of life" more expands and brings the variety of opinions on the matter, and ultimately decisive. Also in contrast to the "clear mishnah", the "Cape of Life" also extensively brings the accepted methods and rulings, in particular the Aryan and the Rashash. In doing so, he continues the ruling method of his rabbi, Rabbi Yosef Chaim.
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Key: Inon Rahamim
Design consulting: Ariel Locke
Happy learning!
(Wikipedia customer)
Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer (May 27, 1939) was a Kabbalist, author and jurist. Born in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, to Rabbi Yitzchak Baruch of the Musa family and Esther .Learned from his father Torah and writing Stam. He was educated at the Beit Midrash Beit Zelka yeshiva, headed by Rabbi Abdullah Somekh, and studied with Rabbi Elisha Dangor, among others. He was influenced by the study of Torah and Kabbalah by Rabbi Yosef Chaim - the author of "Ben Ish Chai", and was ordained by him as a teacher of justice. He married Farha in Dahuba. For his livelihood he worked as a scribe, hence his last name "scribe". On Rosh Chodesh Sivan 1904 he immigrated to Eretz Israel with his friends the rabbis Ezekiel Ezra Rahamim and Tzedaka Chutzin. Lives in the Beit Israel neighborhood of Jerusalem and studied at the Kabbalist Yeshiva Beit El. In 1909, he and Rabbi Yechezkel Ezra Halevi, his friend, founded the Shoshanim LeDavid Synagogue, where he preached on Shabbat and Yom Tov. The river, where he was a student of Rabbi Chaim Shaul HaCohen Devik. Died at the age of 69, on Saturday, 9 Sivan 1939. Buried in the Hasidic plot on the Mount of Olives. Nino is Rabbi Yaakov Chaim Sofer, who heads the Kaf HaChaim yeshiva established in his name.
The Book of the Spoon of Life
For nearly forty years, from the age of thirty until his death, Rabbi Sofer wrote and printed his essay "Kaf HaChaim" on the Shulchan Aruch, in eight volumes on a lifestyle section and one volume on Yoreh De'a. After his death, in 5717, his sons, Shalom and Moshe Sofer, printed a new edition of the essay, and added another volume on Yoreh De'a, from his manuscript. From the key to the end of the book, in the style of the book. And together with his rabbi, Rabbi Ezra Atia, he wrote the introduction to the edition. In the year 5705, the volumes of the essay were published in a new edition, including many completions Baba Tama. The book is similar in structure to a "clear mishnah," in that they both clarify the words of the Shulchan Aruch and the rulings on the topics discussed, based on the halakhic literature throughout the generations; But unlike the clear mishnah, the "spoon of life" more expands and brings the variety of opinions on the matter, and ultimately decisive. Also in contrast to the "clear mishnah", the "Cape of Life" also extensively brings the accepted methods and rulings, in particular the Aryan and the Rashash. In doing so, he continues the ruling method of his rabbi, Rabbi Yosef Chaim.
About the widget:
Key: Inon Rahamim
Design consulting: Ariel Locke
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