Deals with the writer in this book to warn the reader from the temptation of Satan and the devil, fearful of his tricks, and reveals hidden in his obsessive and perversion of the subjects from the straight path, and exposes the arrogance and ego of follow him from perishing of the sons of Adam.
Features a book dressing the devil
- Easy search word or page number
- The possibility of zoom in and out the line as needed
- an index containing all book topics
- The presence of tabs for pages
- the high-speed transition between pages and topics
- does not exist for ads against morality and religion
- Possibility to resume reading from the same page later
Features a book dressing the devil
- Easy search word or page number
- The possibility of zoom in and out the line as needed
- an index containing all book topics
- The presence of tabs for pages
- the high-speed transition between pages and topics
- does not exist for ads against morality and religion
- Possibility to resume reading from the same page later
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