Thiru Kovil app will provides real time information from temples every day open time, closing time, pooja time, festival news, festival banners ,Ubayathar information, pooja news, live streaming alert,Uabyathar alert, gallery and contact information to devotee.
in futures of app:- Devotee can easily search and select favorite temple make as home page,Devotee can add list of temple to his favorite page ,Devotee can check his Ubayam status, Monthly festival information ,Daily Rasi information and temple navigation and also help to tourist for visiting temples.
in futures of app:- Devotee can easily search and select favorite temple make as home page,Devotee can add list of temple to his favorite page ,Devotee can check his Ubayam status, Monthly festival information ,Daily Rasi information and temple navigation and also help to tourist for visiting temples.
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