كم باقي؟ icon

كم باقي؟

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About كم باقي؟

We present to you in this application the date of the Hijri and Gregorian day

In addition to the number of days remaining on a wide range of important appointments, such as:
How much is left over the salaries date, government pension and special pension salaries, insurance-support, citizen account, incentive, comprehensive qualification, social security, service bills, electricity bill, student rewards, tests, vacations and many more events that interest you will not be hesitate to request that.

Whether you have a marriage, dates, university lecture or vacation, you can add more than one event
In addition to activating the alert option so that you will be alerted at the time of the event that you added
Whether you have bills or debts or want to calculate the value of your purchases, all of this has become available and possible through one click and with ease.

 You can control your monthly salary, expenses, purchases and record your debts by adding them and all of that will be subtracted from the budget that you specify.

You can add an amount such as a budget or a monthly salary and add debts or what you need to buy it easily and set a specific date for that with an option if you want to subtract what you added from the budget or not.

The application contains:
- A special counter for the above mentioned events that calculates the remaining period of each event daily.
Today's date in the Hijri and Gregorian years.
- A page for events that remain for a few days.
 - A special page for your notes, in which you can write an infinite number of notes and choose beautiful colors.
- The ability to activate the alarm or stop it.

Application features:
- Easy to browse, as we put all the events on one page for you to easily browse, just slide your finger down if you want to see more events, and if you want to know the date of the day in the Hijri and Gregorian, slide your finger to the right
- Control your expenses and money, you will no longer need complex applications

Navigate our application with ease and comfort

We are also pleased with how much the rest of your suggestions, requests and inquiries are received by writing to us via the following e-mail:


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