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Karachi Bus Route Locator

Muhammad Noman Memon
5,000+ downloads

About Karachi Bus Route Locator

An app through which Karachi citizens can find name of the buses which travels between any two locations by just selecting the source and destination locations. Moreover, the application has another feature that it also shows the routes of a particular bus like D1, D7 and W11 etc. Another feature includes Google Map which detects your current location and you can find your nearest bus stops as well.
Currently this App has data of these 30 buses of Karachi: D-1, D-7, D-11, W-11, W-18, Muslim, Marwat, Gulistan, CNG-1, 16, C-1, A-25, A-3, Bilal, City, Data, F-10, G-19, G-25, Hazara, Mashriq, Star Line, Mehran, Ilyas, N-5, R-1, 7 Star, F-11, N-3 and New 5 Star.
If you want any other bus routes? then just let me know that bus name and I will update the app with your provided bus routes.
I will highly appreciate if you find any data mistake in the app. If some route is wrong, let me know I will update the app.

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