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La clave de la felicidad

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About La clave de la felicidad

Everyone wants more happiness in their lives, but it can sometimes seem difficult to achieve. And happiness is different for different people: what makes one person happy may be another person's misery.

Taking care of others is fundamental to our happiness. Helping other people is not only good for them; it is also good for us. It makes us happier and can help improve our health. Giving also creates stronger connections between people and helps build a happier society for all. It's not just about money, we can also give our time, ideas and energy. So if you want to feel good, do good.

Happiness is not a topic that comes up enough at work. Many companies and leaders feel that it is unprofessional to talk about "happiness." We need to change that! Multiple studies have shown that our well-being and positive emotions have a huge impact on us at work. We are more creative, engaged, productive, motivated, open to new things, and more likely to stay with our companies longer, and the list goes on! If we practice enough, we can train our brains to see the positives before the negatives. By becoming more aware of our own happiness, we can take steps to increase those feelings of positivity.

Scientists have found that while our genes and circumstances matter, a large proportion of the variations in happiness among us comes from our choices and activities. So while we may not be able to change our inherited characteristics or the circumstances we find ourselves in, we still have the power to change how happy we are, by how we approach our lives.

Action for Happiness has developed the Keys to a Happier Life based on a review of the latest scientific research related to happiness. Everyone's path to happiness is different, but research suggests that these Ten Keys tend to have a positive impact on people's overall happiness and well-being.

One thing many of us can agree on is that we all strive to live a happier lifestyle. And often, we are constantly looking for ways to achieve this in our daily lives.

Along with the useful keys to a happier life, the book suggests ways to use them, for example by creating a local group or sharing them with a work team. What I'm missing are clues for a deeper and more systemic exploration of ways to handle larger problems in one's own life and in the world at large.

Although exercise is one of the keys, contact with nature is not mentioned as a source of relaxation or introspection. And the Resources section is very academic, at odds with the basic tenor of the book itself.

We all want to be happy. But sometimes we think of happiness as something that happens to us, something we have no control over. It is easy to link the idea of ​​happiness with the situation in which we find ourselves. We might say to ourselves, "If things were different, I would be happy."

But that's not really how happiness works. Research shows that only a small portion of happiness (only about 10%) depends on a person's situation. So where does most of our happiness come from? Part of happiness depends on personality. Some people have a naturally happy nature. We all know people who are cheerful and optimistic most of the time. Their upbeat personalities make it easy for them to be happy.

So what does that mean for people who are born with a personality that is on the grumpy side? They may see the flaws in people and situations instead of the good.