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Amrit Kirtan Gutka

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About Amrit Kirtan Gutka

Category - Gurbani, Shabad, Keertan
Amrit Kirtan is collection of shabads from
Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji,
Shri Dasam Granth Ji,
Kabit Saviye,
Vaaran by Bhai Gurdas ji and Bhai Nand lal ji Bani.

This application is complete Amrit Kirtan gutka with english translation and transliteration, where one can search shabad by shabad initials, by page or can browse shabads by Amrit Kirtan's 113 chapters.
You can also save your favourite shabads as bookmark.
You can also change settings to turn on/off transliteration and translation. Can also change font size of each line.

Saadh Sangat ji, if you have any suggestions then please email me at

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