Pick the music you need in class, Kiwi Music
Kiwi Music, a music education platform that fits the class topic!
Soribotari, Korea's representative music education brand!
Kids + We = Kiwe
This is Kiwi Music's music portal for 'Soribadari', which contains our wish for children to be happy.
Soribotari has prepared music for all class subjects so that teachers can prepare their classes without worrying about music copyright. Now do 'kiwi'!
Kiwi Music function guide
[All you can, without worrying about copyright!]
Buy only the music you need, and make your own classes! I am the content creator
[All-you-can-eat class preparation]
Full of various music by subject and subject! Don't go looking for it.
[Support both online and offline]
Don't worry about data charges even if you don't have Wi-Fi. Stop worrying about data with a safe streaming service! The sound source is played even when the phone is offline.
[Easy and convenient player]
- Easy operation with a music player with various but easy and convenient functions
- Lyrics check
- Play/Pause
- Repeat one song, playlist
- Next/previous song
- Add to my class★
- mini player
- Background playback even when the screen is off
- screen lock
- Add my album playlist
Contents Magician Sound Pack
You can enjoy more diverse music of Soribotari, which you have not been able to find on YouTube or on music portals. Pick freely without worrying about copyright. Experience the effect of becoming smarter just by listening to music content verified by 30,000 certified instructors, 3 million children and subscribers across the country.
- Hello Music King, an integrated music class for early childhood education institutions
- Seasonal packs for freelance teachers
- Professional instructor training program and certification operation
- Musical physical play and performance, performances and recitals
- Story music and creative therapy
- Smart Kids 2020 to experience traditional stories, traditional music, and professional occupations
- Magic piano class with Potupiano
- Play and play that stimulates various senses
- Attend cultural centers, specialized training centers, private academies, daycare centers, and kindergartens
- Kiwi Music Premium Center
Inquiries about usage, music license, and commercial license
02-6941-2340 admin@soribotari.com
- Website: www.soribotari.com
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/won6545
- Community: https://cafe.naver.com/soribotari
- Kiwi Music Shop: www.kiwe.shop
Kiwi Music, a music education platform that fits the class topic!
Soribotari, Korea's representative music education brand!
Kids + We = Kiwe
This is Kiwi Music's music portal for 'Soribadari', which contains our wish for children to be happy.
Soribotari has prepared music for all class subjects so that teachers can prepare their classes without worrying about music copyright. Now do 'kiwi'!
Kiwi Music function guide
[All you can, without worrying about copyright!]
Buy only the music you need, and make your own classes! I am the content creator
[All-you-can-eat class preparation]
Full of various music by subject and subject! Don't go looking for it.
[Support both online and offline]
Don't worry about data charges even if you don't have Wi-Fi. Stop worrying about data with a safe streaming service! The sound source is played even when the phone is offline.
[Easy and convenient player]
- Easy operation with a music player with various but easy and convenient functions
- Lyrics check
- Play/Pause
- Repeat one song, playlist
- Next/previous song
- Add to my class★
- mini player
- Background playback even when the screen is off
- screen lock
- Add my album playlist
Contents Magician Sound Pack
You can enjoy more diverse music of Soribotari, which you have not been able to find on YouTube or on music portals. Pick freely without worrying about copyright. Experience the effect of becoming smarter just by listening to music content verified by 30,000 certified instructors, 3 million children and subscribers across the country.
- Hello Music King, an integrated music class for early childhood education institutions
- Seasonal packs for freelance teachers
- Professional instructor training program and certification operation
- Musical physical play and performance, performances and recitals
- Story music and creative therapy
- Smart Kids 2020 to experience traditional stories, traditional music, and professional occupations
- Magic piano class with Potupiano
- Play and play that stimulates various senses
- Attend cultural centers, specialized training centers, private academies, daycare centers, and kindergartens
- Kiwi Music Premium Center
Inquiries about usage, music license, and commercial license
02-6941-2340 admin@soribotari.com
- Website: www.soribotari.com
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/won6545
- Community: https://cafe.naver.com/soribotari
- Kiwi Music Shop: www.kiwe.shop
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