Kopykitab eBook Reader & Test Preparation is a free application to Read eBooks & Practice Test Prep purchased from KopyKitab.com. Access eBooks & Test Prep covering all Educational Courses like, Engineering, Management, Competitive Exams, Law, CS, CA etc. and can also download wide range of novels at no cost.
KopyKitab is India's First Digital Store. We are tied with all major Indian Publishers like S Chand, Laxmi, Oswaal, Khanna Publishers and many more...and have a Digital Portfolio of 50000+ eBooks & 5000+ Test Preps.
About Kopykitab eBook Reader & Test Prep:
-->Kopykitab eBook Reader is an ideal companion for both Students and working professionals. Users can download eBooks on their Android device and read it later without the need of Internet.
-->Our Reader gives users an option to take Written, Audio, Video, and Picture Notes, so that they have the freedom to engrave their thoughts without any kind of limitations.
-->Users can Highlight, Underline, important points of the eBooks, so that they can later review only the important points of the eBook, and even share them among friends.
--> Library can be seen in both Grid and List views. List view shows Title and Author of the Book.
--> Give Online Test Preps in different streams to practice for best studies.
--> Mock tests to simulate the Online Test Environment for all the streams.
Register Now in-app or on Kopykitab.com website. To buy eBooks & Test Preps and ace in your Exams.
Users will need to log in using their registered email and password. Once the user has logged in, he/she can download the eBook and read offline or give online practice Test Prep / Mock tests in their mobile/tablets.
For any queries contact: info@kopykitab.com or visit: www.kopykitab.com
KopyKitab is India's First Digital Store. We are tied with all major Indian Publishers like S Chand, Laxmi, Oswaal, Khanna Publishers and many more...and have a Digital Portfolio of 50000+ eBooks & 5000+ Test Preps.
About Kopykitab eBook Reader & Test Prep:
-->Kopykitab eBook Reader is an ideal companion for both Students and working professionals. Users can download eBooks on their Android device and read it later without the need of Internet.
-->Our Reader gives users an option to take Written, Audio, Video, and Picture Notes, so that they have the freedom to engrave their thoughts without any kind of limitations.
-->Users can Highlight, Underline, important points of the eBooks, so that they can later review only the important points of the eBook, and even share them among friends.
--> Library can be seen in both Grid and List views. List view shows Title and Author of the Book.
--> Give Online Test Preps in different streams to practice for best studies.
--> Mock tests to simulate the Online Test Environment for all the streams.
Register Now in-app or on Kopykitab.com website. To buy eBooks & Test Preps and ace in your Exams.
Users will need to log in using their registered email and password. Once the user has logged in, he/she can download the eBook and read offline or give online practice Test Prep / Mock tests in their mobile/tablets.
For any queries contact: info@kopykitab.com or visit: www.kopykitab.com
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