QR code reader app is a must for smartphone users.
If you are curious about the lottery winning number or product barcode value, please use.
It immediately shows the result screen of the recognized barcode and QR code.
The result screen can be saved and managed.
[Optional Access Rights]
-Camera authority: It requires authority to recognize QR code and barcode.
*** This work uses Flaticon images ***
QR free Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
If you are curious about the lottery winning number or product barcode value, please use.
It immediately shows the result screen of the recognized barcode and QR code.
The result screen can be saved and managed.
[Optional Access Rights]
-Camera authority: It requires authority to recognize QR code and barcode.
*** This work uses Flaticon images ***
QR free Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
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