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مكتبة مخزن الكتب

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About مكتبة مخزن الكتب

The Book Store is the largest electronic library in PDF and text format, classified into sections for ease of search and use, and each section contains a large number of books that exceed hundreds of books
In it, international and Arab novels are classified into general, romantic, horror and police novels.
It also includes general literary, educational and political books classified as (literature and satirical literature, travels, biographies and translations, human development, psychology and sociology, marital culture, metaphysics, philosophy, thought and politics, history, geography, agriculture, science, mathematics and engineering, journalism, cinema and media, computer and the Internet, Law, administration and economics, medicine and alternative medicine, religious books, teaching languages ​​and education.
A section that contains police chains, adventures, puzzles, meaningful stories, novels, and literature for young people.
Our library is characterized by the ability to read from the page that stopped and easy browsing, and create your own library for reading, and many features that you discover inside the library after downloading the application.

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