열린약국 - 마스크(판매시간), 병원 약국 조회 icon

열린약국 - 마스크(판매시간), 병원 약국 조회

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About 열린약국 - 마스크(판매시간), 병원 약국 조회

Search for pharmacies, public masks (sale hours), and hospital information located near me.
As an open pharmacy, select the location closest to your location or the desired area to search nearby hospitals / pharmacies.

* Find a hospital
 -Find a hospital around me (current location)
 -Find a hospital by selecting a location (eup / myeon / dongmyeong, subway station, city / gun / gumyeong)
 -Find a hospital by hospital type (general hospital, specialized hospital, hospital, nursing hospital, dentistry, oriental medicine, clinic, health center)
 -Find a hospital with medical subjects (general, internal medicine, plastic surgery, dermatology, orthopedics, otolaryngology, urology ,,)
 -View a list of hospitals at once

* Hospital details
 -Map view (Select hospital and view on Google map, you can check transportation (taxi, subway, walk))
 -Make a call (go to make an easy call)
 -Report (if hospital information is wrong, report is possible)
 -Registered hospital of interest (favorite of hospital)
 -Hospital search (search by hospital name and city / city name)

* Find a pharmacy
 -Public mask inventory inquiry
 -Find a pharmacy around me (current location)
 -Find a pharmacy by selecting location (eup / myeon / dongmyeong, subway station, city / gun / life name)
 -Pharmacy classification (pharmacy, sales of safety-related drugs)

* Pharmacy details
 -Map view (Select a pharmacy and view it on Google Maps to check transportation (taxi, subway, walk))
 -Make a call (go to make an easy call)
 -Report (if the pharmacy information is wrong, you can report it)
 -Registered pharmacy of interest (favorite of pharmacy)

* Find emergency center
 -Find an emergency center around me (current location)
 -Find a hospital by selecting a location (eup / myeon / dongmyeong, subway station, city / gun / gumyeong)
 -View a list of emergency centers at once

If there are any errors or improvements, please leave them in the email or comment below to reflect them.

Thank you ^^

* Required access rights
1. Location authority: Provide location-based pharmacy and hospital information service
2. Telephone authority: When registering sales hours, modifying information, for the purpose of preventing errors
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열린약국 - 마스크(판매시간), 병원 약국 조회 Screenshots