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Ryan Novak
4.1 out of 5
5,000+ downloads

About Total90

A complete companion app for all your 90-day extreme fitness logging needs!

Keep track of your nutritional intake with the handy color-coded checklist, laid out according to your chosen workout phase and nutrition level. Includes water intake!

Tracks reps and weight for each individual exercise for most workouts, and overall progress for all workouts. Simply select a workout for a particular day, and all the exercises are set up for you; weights and reps are even filled in from the most recent data for that workout! And if you choose the wrong workout, all you have to do is long-press to delete!

Keep notes about your nutrition and workouts each day, and attach photos to each day's journal entry to keep a visual record of your progress! Photos can be deleted at any time, and you can even email them to yourself (or anyone else)!

History calendar:
Review and edit any data for any day; fill in missed days and get caught up if you've already started the program. View progress graphs for any exercise, and email yourself a complete log of your activity at any time!

The developers of Total90 are in no way affiliated with Beachbody or Product Partners, LLC, creators of P90X® and other extreme fitness programs.

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