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로또 족집게

1,000+ downloads

About 로또 족집게

1. The AI ​​referral number is a corner where the lottery tweezers AI system extracts the most probable number.

2. In the developer-supplied number receiving corner, if you click the'Get Number to Insert' button, you can receive 20 numbers by pressing the'Get Number to Get Out' button. Please select the appropriate number to play the game.

3. The manual + random input corner is a method in which the user selects 3 or fewer numbers to insert and 20 or fewer to subtract, and the rest is randomly extracted by the lottery tweezers system. If you want to edit the selected number, press the'number to insert' or'subtract number' button and select the number. After selecting a number, press the'Manual + Random Input' button at the bottom to move to the number extraction screen.

4. Manual + AI recommendation input corner is a method in which the user selects some numbers and the rest selects the lottery tweezers AI system. If you press the'Back' button on the number selection screen, it will move to the previous screen easily.

5. Lotto tweezers provide a number of lottery number extraction methods, but the most probable method is to receive the AI ​​recommendation number. Please use the method of receiving the AI ​​recommendation number a lot, and please select the appropriate method according to your preference.

** When installing the lottery tweezers, the user's consent is required for using the camera and using the file. This is for the app to shoot a QR code to confirm the winning. Please use with confidence because it is not intended to collect user's personal information.

로또 족집게 Screenshots