4 сурет 1 сөз icon

4 сурет 1 сөз

Ерболат Абдикайыров
4.2 out of 5
500,000+ downloads

About 4 сурет 1 сөз

Android қ arnal B l oyynda қorқ sөzdі tabuғa қyyndyқ tuғyzatyn tүrlі keskіnder қoldanylady. Oyynda өzіmіzdің tarikhymyzғa, elіmіz ben salt-dәstүrlerіmіzge bayanisty keskіnder қoldanylady.

An exciting puzzle called 4 Suret 1 Sөz. This is a tricky game that requires you to guess the word in four pictures, interconnected. To complicate the finding of a common word, extraordinary pictures are used in the game. The game uses words and pictures related to our country, traditions and culture.
The uniqueness of the game is that the game contributes to an increase in your Kazakh vocabulary and the development of your logic.

4 сурет 1 сөз Screenshots

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