Tracking pay for your employees on a per job basis? Need a way to organize and keep track of who you paid and who still is left?
Labor Tracker gives you those options. Simply enter in a labor item complete with job name, city, employee name and paid amount and it will be stored in your app. The intuitive calendar control will then display days where you entered in labor items. And when you mark the people as paid, it will even display when everyone for that day has been paid. Long press on any day and you will be shown a popup of each employee and their labor cost for the day. Long press on a Sunday and you can view either employee labor costs for that day or for the prior week.
Press on any calendar day and you can view the daily details of your labor costs on a job per job basis. Press on any job item and you can view the job details of your labor costs on an employee per employee basis. Press on any employee and you can edit that labor item.
Enter in labor incorrectly? No problem. Simply long press on an employee item and you can delete that record. Or if you entered in an entire job incorrectly, simply long press on a job item and you can delete the entire job.
And what good is the data if it's only available in the app itself? You can run reports for your yearly labor costs (separated into monthly files), monthly labor costs, daily labor costs and even per job per day. CSV files are generated and then can be used with a spreadsheet program like Excel to view the details of your labor costs.
Need to enter the data on your phone or on a tablet? Simply use the Import/Export feature under Settings and you can create backups for your data on one device and add that data to your other device simply by pasting in the Labor Tracker Exports folder and importing. And you don't even have to worry about duplicate data. Labor Tracker will check to make sure the data doesn't already exist before it actually adds it to your records!
And as you enter in data, the app will take note of those items and begin to offer them as auto complete suggestions on your labor entry screen, to even improve the efficiency for entering your labor. It couldn’t be easier.
And the data is completely unavailable over the network so unless someone gets access to your phone or tablet, your data is safe and secure.
Labor Tracker: making it easier to track your labor costs!
Labor Tracker gives you those options. Simply enter in a labor item complete with job name, city, employee name and paid amount and it will be stored in your app. The intuitive calendar control will then display days where you entered in labor items. And when you mark the people as paid, it will even display when everyone for that day has been paid. Long press on any day and you will be shown a popup of each employee and their labor cost for the day. Long press on a Sunday and you can view either employee labor costs for that day or for the prior week.
Press on any calendar day and you can view the daily details of your labor costs on a job per job basis. Press on any job item and you can view the job details of your labor costs on an employee per employee basis. Press on any employee and you can edit that labor item.
Enter in labor incorrectly? No problem. Simply long press on an employee item and you can delete that record. Or if you entered in an entire job incorrectly, simply long press on a job item and you can delete the entire job.
And what good is the data if it's only available in the app itself? You can run reports for your yearly labor costs (separated into monthly files), monthly labor costs, daily labor costs and even per job per day. CSV files are generated and then can be used with a spreadsheet program like Excel to view the details of your labor costs.
Need to enter the data on your phone or on a tablet? Simply use the Import/Export feature under Settings and you can create backups for your data on one device and add that data to your other device simply by pasting in the Labor Tracker Exports folder and importing. And you don't even have to worry about duplicate data. Labor Tracker will check to make sure the data doesn't already exist before it actually adds it to your records!
And as you enter in data, the app will take note of those items and begin to offer them as auto complete suggestions on your labor entry screen, to even improve the efficiency for entering your labor. It couldn’t be easier.
And the data is completely unavailable over the network so unless someone gets access to your phone or tablet, your data is safe and secure.
Labor Tracker: making it easier to track your labor costs!
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