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Language Academy PTE NAATI Experts
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About LA CCL

After mentoring 3,000+ successful students across 8 different languages, Language Academy brings you the most comprehensive app you need to crack your NAATI CCL (Credential Community Language) test. LA CCL App comes with more than 2,000 solved vocabulary across 8 different languages including Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Nepali, Bangla, Telugu, Tamil and Sinhalese. Why LA CCL App? 1. More than 2,000 words with answers in 7 different categories. 2. More than 80 dialogues in practice material with solved sample responses. 3. Comprehensive dialogue section comprising of intensive practice dialogues. 4. Last minute package to get you ready for the exam. 5. 5 Mock tests in an exam-like environment to help you get familiar with the exam environment. 6. In-depth NAATI CCL tutorials by NAATI Certified Paraprofessional Interpreters to give you complete overview of the marking criteria of the exam. 7. All the material prepared by NAATI certified interpreters having taught more than 3,000 successful students. 8. Regular exam tips, strategies and updates. For any further queries, please contact us on For more updates and practice material, follow us on Facebook and YouTube - Languageacademyaustralia All the best. Team Language Academy

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