CLT has emerged as a constitutional necessity after the creation of the Labor Court in 1939. The country was going through a time of development, changing the economics of agrarian to industrial. In January 1942 the then president Getúlio Vargas and the Minister of Labor and Employment Alexandre Marcondes Filho exchanged the first ideas about the need to do a consolidation of labor laws. The primary idea was to create the "Consolidation of Labor Laws and Social Security." Its main purpose is the regulation of individual and collective labor relations, therein. It was signed in full Stadium São Januário (CR Vasco da Gama), which was packed to the CLT signature celebration.
Former President Getúlio Vargas.
They were invited to be part of the contract, Joseph's Segadas Viana lawyers, Oscar Saraiva, Luis Augusto Rego Monteiro, Dorval Marcenal de Lacerda and Arnaldo Lopes Süssekind. At the first meeting it was decided that the committee would be divided into Labor and Welfare and that two different consolidations would be created. The CLT material sources were, first, the conclusions of the 1st Brazilian Congress of Social Law, held in May 1941 in São Paulo, to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Encyclical Rerum Novarum, organized by Professor Antonio Ferreira Cesarino Junior and the lawyer and professor Rui Azevedo Sodre. The second source was the international labor conventions. The third was the very Encyclical Rerum Novarum and finally the opinions of legal advisers Oliveira Viana and Oscar Saraiva, approved by the Minister of Labor.
In November 1942, he was presented the draft of the Labor Code, subsequently published in the Official Journal to receive suggestions. After studying the project, Getúlio Vargas appointed the co-authors to examine the suggestions and write the final project finally signed on May 1, 1943, but did not replace the one published in Official Gazette on August 9 of that year.
Subsequent reforms [edit | edit source]
There are constant debates in order to promote CLT reform to be more flexible it. The set of articles has undergone 497 modifications since 1943, in addition to the 67 constitutional provisions of 1988 they were added to the CLT.
Many reforms have been proposed, such as Decree n. ° 20 of September 13, 2001, included in the legislation and in the same year that brought new issues to the original text. In it, the Secretary of Labor Inspection prohibits under 18 to work in some functions (contained in Annex I), as sharpening tools, construction, handling and application of chemicals and other dangerous activities.
He was processed in the National Congress of Brazil, another reform, Constitutional Amendment No. 66/2012. It confers, the domestic employee, higher labor guarantees, equating their rights to those of other workers. All these improvements are aimed at an improvement in the consolidation.
In 2013, CLT completed 70 years of existence.
On November 11, 2017, CLT has undergone several changes due to the labor reform made that year, during the government of Michel Temer. Among them were added issues such as intermittent work, the prevalence of agreed over the legislated and expansion of outsourcing.
Former President Getúlio Vargas.
They were invited to be part of the contract, Joseph's Segadas Viana lawyers, Oscar Saraiva, Luis Augusto Rego Monteiro, Dorval Marcenal de Lacerda and Arnaldo Lopes Süssekind. At the first meeting it was decided that the committee would be divided into Labor and Welfare and that two different consolidations would be created. The CLT material sources were, first, the conclusions of the 1st Brazilian Congress of Social Law, held in May 1941 in São Paulo, to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Encyclical Rerum Novarum, organized by Professor Antonio Ferreira Cesarino Junior and the lawyer and professor Rui Azevedo Sodre. The second source was the international labor conventions. The third was the very Encyclical Rerum Novarum and finally the opinions of legal advisers Oliveira Viana and Oscar Saraiva, approved by the Minister of Labor.
In November 1942, he was presented the draft of the Labor Code, subsequently published in the Official Journal to receive suggestions. After studying the project, Getúlio Vargas appointed the co-authors to examine the suggestions and write the final project finally signed on May 1, 1943, but did not replace the one published in Official Gazette on August 9 of that year.
Subsequent reforms [edit | edit source]
There are constant debates in order to promote CLT reform to be more flexible it. The set of articles has undergone 497 modifications since 1943, in addition to the 67 constitutional provisions of 1988 they were added to the CLT.
Many reforms have been proposed, such as Decree n. ° 20 of September 13, 2001, included in the legislation and in the same year that brought new issues to the original text. In it, the Secretary of Labor Inspection prohibits under 18 to work in some functions (contained in Annex I), as sharpening tools, construction, handling and application of chemicals and other dangerous activities.
He was processed in the National Congress of Brazil, another reform, Constitutional Amendment No. 66/2012. It confers, the domestic employee, higher labor guarantees, equating their rights to those of other workers. All these improvements are aimed at an improvement in the consolidation.
In 2013, CLT completed 70 years of existence.
On November 11, 2017, CLT has undergone several changes due to the labor reform made that year, during the government of Michel Temer. Among them were added issues such as intermittent work, the prevalence of agreed over the legislated and expansion of outsourcing.
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