Through this application for mobile devices, our customers can quickly and real time analyze the information of any Insurer in the region from their Android device. The application helps to graphically display the main financial indicators of the selected insurance company against its competitors and the Total Local Insurance Market.
The LatinoInsurance App will present the Ranking, Value, Market%, Variation with the past period and the Market Total for the Insurer selected for the main financial indicators. To see the ranking graphically of any of the financial indicators, simply click on the name of the desired indicator. To change the indicator, press on the next one you want to see.
The LatinoInsurance App will present the Portfolio Mix for Issued Premium and Loan Premium in donut-type graphics. Here you have the option to see the Portfolio Mix for the following 8
Main Branches: Accidents, Cars, Damages without Cars, Deposits and Credits, Pensions, Health, SOAT and Life.
The LatinoInsurance App will present the Ranking, Value, Market%, Variation with the past period and the Market Total for the Insurer selected for the main financial indicators. To see the ranking graphically of any of the financial indicators, simply click on the name of the desired indicator. To change the indicator, press on the next one you want to see.
The LatinoInsurance App will present the Portfolio Mix for Issued Premium and Loan Premium in donut-type graphics. Here you have the option to see the Portfolio Mix for the following 8
Main Branches: Accidents, Cars, Damages without Cars, Deposits and Credits, Pensions, Health, SOAT and Life.
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