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Intesa Sanpaolo Reward

Intesa Sanpaolo SPA
3.8 out of 5
500,000+ downloads

About Intesa Sanpaolo Reward

The loyalty app dedicated to customers and non-customers

Intesa Sanpaolo confirms its attention to its customers and non-customers with the app dedicated to the Loyalty program with lots of games, prizes to be won, dedicated events and initiatives.
Treat yourself to little moments of fun. Different prizes up for grabs every week: follow the timer to be ready for the games to open and try to win the prize you like best.
In particular:
- every day a new appointment to have fun and try to win prizes;
- each award corresponds to a number of stars;
- complete the proposed Missions to accumulate the necessary Stars;
- invite a friend and for each new registration you will be able to earn more Stars;
- if you have more Stars, you level up and you have access to higher value prizes and 2 attempts to try to win the prizes up for grabs in the Try your luck and Winning Card games.

If you are an Intesa Sanpaolo customer, you can access the Premium profile of the Intesa Sanpaolo Reward app if you have subscribed to the Bank's My Key contract and activated the remote service ("Digital customer"). With the Premium Profile you can participate in dedicated events, increasing your chances of winning prizes.
If you are not an Intesa Sanpaolo customer or you are an Intesa Sanpaolo customer but have not subscribed to My Key or do not use the Intesa Sanpaolo Mobile app (“Prospect Digitale”), you can instead access the Basic profile of the Intesa Sanpaolo Reward app, which awards dedicated to it.
At any time you automatically switch from the Basic profile to the Premium profile if you meet the above requirements. However, the transition from the Premium profile to the Basic profile is not automatic; for more information, refer to the Competition Rules.
Advertising message for promotional purposes.
With the INTESA SANPAOLO REWARD app you can participate in the "Intesa Sanpaolo 2024" prize competition valid from 2 May 2023 to 15 April 2024 with the awarding of prizes in Instant Win mode. Indicative initial jackpot €610,908.35 (VAT included), subject to periodic updates. To find out about the methods and limitations for participation, consult the Competition Rules on To participate, you must have downloaded the Intesa Sanpaolo Reward app or the Intesa Sanpaolo Mobile app (Premium profile only). To complete the login to the Intesa Sanpaolo Reward app, it is necessary to read the Regulations of the "Intesa Sanpaolo 2024" Prize Competition. The "Digital Customers" who have signed the Bank's My Key contract and activated the remote service access the app with the "Premium" profile, the "Digital Prospects" who do not have the requirements referred to in the previous point. For the contractual conditions of My Key, consult the Information Sheet and the Guide to Services available at the branch and on the website
Accessibility statement:

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