Title Generator helps you come up with weird and wonderful titles for works of fiction and names for fictional places and characters. Or, if you so choose, Title Generator works as a plain and simple random word generator, too.
There are over 6,500 words across 8 categories. Just choose your settings, like how many words per title there are, and generate away!
Word categories: Kind (adjectives), Concept, Substance, Thing, Person & Creature, Action (verbs), Place & Time and Grammatical Particle.
Enhance your experience with the custom template system. 1) Activate the custom template. 2) Write a text which contains a random word symbol (#) like "The # of Valor". 3) Tap the big button and see the results. You can also use mutators which allow you to limit what kind of words you'll get and change the generated words' forms and properties.
Custom templates are also handy if you feel that the generated results are too nonsensical due to the randomness: use any bits you find interesting in the generated titles and generate new titles based on them. Sooner or later you'll get the perfect title for your work!
There are over 6,500 words across 8 categories. Just choose your settings, like how many words per title there are, and generate away!
Word categories: Kind (adjectives), Concept, Substance, Thing, Person & Creature, Action (verbs), Place & Time and Grammatical Particle.
Enhance your experience with the custom template system. 1) Activate the custom template. 2) Write a text which contains a random word symbol (#) like "The # of Valor". 3) Tap the big button and see the results. You can also use mutators which allow you to limit what kind of words you'll get and change the generated words' forms and properties.
Custom templates are also handy if you feel that the generated results are too nonsensical due to the randomness: use any bits you find interesting in the generated titles and generate new titles based on them. Sooner or later you'll get the perfect title for your work!
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