The mushrooms (Fungi) are a common, but outdated classification, the third great Kingdom of eukaryotic organisms, in addition to the multicellular animals (Metazoa) and plants (Plantae).
To belong to you, especially multicellular organisms, such as the pillar-fungi, but also protozoa, such as the baking yeast-as well as coenocyt forms with many nuclei, but without cell breakdown.
After you to the late 20. Century were added to the plants, they are, according to current knowledge closer to the animals than to the plants used.
The science of the fungi, the Mycology is.
◆ fungi Quiz
◆ The mushroom game
◆ My mushrooms
◆ mushroom calendar
coming soon:
Mushroom Identify - Automatic picture recognition
To belong to you, especially multicellular organisms, such as the pillar-fungi, but also protozoa, such as the baking yeast-as well as coenocyt forms with many nuclei, but without cell breakdown.
After you to the late 20. Century were added to the plants, they are, according to current knowledge closer to the animals than to the plants used.
The science of the fungi, the Mycology is.
◆ fungi Quiz
◆ The mushroom game
◆ My mushrooms
◆ mushroom calendar
coming soon:
Mushroom Identify - Automatic picture recognition
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