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English Stories

Learning Engine
100+ downloads

About English Stories

English Stories is a completely offline English storybook app with moral stories in multiple categories with moral lessons and contains the best and large collection of Stories for everyone.

This app contains a large collection of Stories suitable for all ages.

This Story app contain various stories categories like humor, classical stories, folktales stories, Moral Stories, Tenali Ramakrishna, Akbar Birbal Stories, Aladdin , The Arabian Nights, Inspirational Stories, Bedtime Stories, Motivational stories, Educational Stories, Fables Stories, Family Stories, Life Stories, Love Stories, Animal Stories, Panchatantra Stories, Short Stories, Courage Stories, General Stories, Classic Stories and Other Stories.

FEATURES included in this English Stories App:

✔ A large collection of Motivational short stories with Moral values
✔ Select and add Story to 'Favourites' and can read them later
✔ Share Stories with friends and family through Social Media, Whatsapp, Email, SMS etc
✔ Learn English through Stories with Moral lessons
✔ Change Font Size
✔ Use Night Mode to protect your eyes, reading is the light in the dark
✔ Use bookmark feature to go back to the same story

English Stories helps improve your vocabulary and speaking skills. So why wait, download now.

English Stories Screenshots