LoL Jinx Wallpapers 2023 4K HD icon

LoL Jinx Wallpapers 2023 4K HD

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About LoL Jinx Wallpapers 2023 4K HD

Are you looking for some great 2023 Updated LoL Jinx Wallpapers backgrounds at high quality for your phone? We have several different categories to choose from for fans of LoL Jinx Wallpapers Games!

Updates will be made frequently, and there are so many to choose from! The favorites feature allows you keep those cool and awesome wallpapers for another day and with a couple of taps, you can have a fresh new look on your phone. This wallpaper app will be updated to add more content for you to use to give best experience possible. All images, backgrounds, and wallpapers all revolve around "LoL Jinx Wallpapers" and all other associated content. They are of handpicked and good quality that to make it easier for you.

Download this wallpaper app and give it a try, I am sure you will love it! If you want particular content added, just message me and I will add it!

Check out all the cool features... Remember, every wallpaper has been handpicked so only the best HD and other quality wallpapers make it on to the app.

- Download HD images for free
- Make your Home Screen and Lock Screen attractive
- Save and share pictures with friends.
- Fast loading screen
- More Categories

* Share images with friends on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, ect …
* View the latest wallpapers that have been added.
* Categorized backgrounds help you find new wallpapers quickly.
* Save your favorite wallpapers as you browse.
* Compatible with 99% of mobile phones and devices.
* Set as Wallpaper or Lock Screen
* Share and Save your favorite wallpapers with your friends.
* This app can also zoom in or out of your view want

No images and illustrations are hosted on the app. All logos/images/names are copyright of their owners. These images are not endorsed by their owners, and the images are used purely and only for artistic and aesthetic purposes. No copyright infringement & infringement is intended, and any request to remove any of the images/logos/names will be honored

Your favorite champions and themes from League of Legends™ have arrived!
Enjoy a huge variety of wallpapers from the popular MOBA in high quality and fully animated

The animations are extracted from the original game client or made by fans of the game. This application allows you to download and set them as your live wallpapers on both home and lock screen

* Adjust the position, zoom and rotation of the wallpapers freely
* Apply post-processing filters to the live animation
* Create lists of wallpapers to change automatically
* Set background music to play while the wallpaper is being shown


Live Wallpapers of LoL isn’t endorsed by Riot Games and doesn’t reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. League of Legends and Riot Games are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. League of Legends © Riot Games, Inc.

LoL Jinx Wallpapers 2023 4K HD Screenshots