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Adventure Tactics

Letiman Games, LLC
500+ downloads

About Adventure Tactics

The highly anticipated companion app for our board
game "Adventure Tactics: Domianne's" Tower is finally

This is Version 1.0 of the app. Enjoy!

With this app you can:
- Create campaigns to keep track of multiple games
across various teams of players
- Track health, impediments and your progress for
each scenario
- Easily review passive and active abilities
- Complete a scenario and keep track (successful,
partial or failure)

Adventure Tactics: Domianne's Tower is an encounter-
based, campaign-driven, cooperative tactical combat
game. Begin your journey as one of 5 Basic Classes
and battle your way through a branching campaign
where you choose your own path in an attempt to
overthrow the evil Queen Domianne. With each
encounter, you will level up and unlock over 15 Elite
Classes, adding new actions, equipment, and abilities.
Will your team find the right combination of Classes
and powers in time to stop Queen Domianne? Let the
adventure begin!

Adventure Tactics Screenshots

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