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Bayan ul Quran - Quran Transla
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About Bayan ul Quran - Quran Transla

Bayan Ul Quran is a three volume tafsir of the Quran written by Indian Islamic scholar Ashraf Ali Thanwi. Originally written in Urdu, it is the most prominent work of its author. The tafsīr is said to be specifically for scholars

App Features include:

By using this app user can easily understand quran, Read Quran, book mark ayah, can easily switch to Dark Mode, Night Mode and default mode. User can easily select different themes, fonts families and fonts sizes for Quran words and its translation. There are 3 different modes available in our app simple mode (Mushaf Mode Only Arabic), Arabic and translation mode (Which also include word by word translation), and Tafseer mode.

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