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Gaelscoil Uí Drisceoil is an Irish Medium, co-educational, multi-denominational Primary school in Glanmire founded in the year 2006. The School is governed by the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Education.
Irish is the language of instruction in school, and the language of communication between teachers, children and the Board of Management. Children having equal rights of access to the school, and children of all social, cultural and religious backgrounds being equally respected.
- News
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- School calendar
- Policies
- Contact information
Gaelscoil Uí Drisceoil is an Irish Medium, co-educational, multi-denominational Primary school in Glanmire founded in the year 2006. The School is governed by the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Education.
Irish is the language of instruction in school, and the language of communication between teachers, children and the Board of Management. Children having equal rights of access to the school, and children of all social, cultural and religious backgrounds being equally respected.
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