You can record your real voice on a lie detector finger test and prank your friends.
Real Voice Lie Detector Scanner Prank is a simulation app for lie and truth detection.
This real-voice lie detector scanner simulator app is only used to play a joke on friends. There is no real lie or truth detector app. You can use this real voice lie detector scanner app with voice and put your finger on the scanner as a prank result.
This fingerprint scanner lie detector real test is a fun game. Whenever friends get together, with the help of this lie detector polygraph test app, they can have fun and enjoy the movement.
If you want to use a real scanner app, then please search and download other real scanner apps because this is not a real lie detector app. It’s a polygraph test prank app and you can use it only as a joke with friends.
In the lie detector test real with voice to text, you can write through real voice to text in your own language, English, Arabic, French, Urdu, Hindi, Chinese, and Portages. When you type through voice, after that you can easily edit the voice typing and tap the next button. Touch and hold your fingerprint for 4 seconds, then the lie detector will show the results as lie or truth.
In the couple lie game, lie detector test real with couple voice, first enter the player’s name, then its pops player one tap on mic to record the real voice, and player two record the voice. Tap on next and touch and hold both fingerprints at a time for 4 seconds. Then it will test the lie and truth results of the couple.
In a love test, lovers can scan fingers at the same time, and it shows the love percentage.
You can play with trimer, funny sounds, and hilarious sounds.
Air horn, laughing, clapping, fart, whistle, punch, OMG, police siren, and car remote sound are all funny sounds.
Hilarious Sounds: cat, screen broken, mouse, dog, bomb sounds, fart sounds, door and ghost sounds.
NOTE! The real voice lie detector fingerprint scanner simulator app gives random results, and you don't expect an authentic result from this voice lie detector app. This is a prank app.
Real Voice Lie Detector Scanner Prank is a simulation app for lie and truth detection.
This real-voice lie detector scanner simulator app is only used to play a joke on friends. There is no real lie or truth detector app. You can use this real voice lie detector scanner app with voice and put your finger on the scanner as a prank result.
This fingerprint scanner lie detector real test is a fun game. Whenever friends get together, with the help of this lie detector polygraph test app, they can have fun and enjoy the movement.
If you want to use a real scanner app, then please search and download other real scanner apps because this is not a real lie detector app. It’s a polygraph test prank app and you can use it only as a joke with friends.
In the lie detector test real with voice to text, you can write through real voice to text in your own language, English, Arabic, French, Urdu, Hindi, Chinese, and Portages. When you type through voice, after that you can easily edit the voice typing and tap the next button. Touch and hold your fingerprint for 4 seconds, then the lie detector will show the results as lie or truth.
In the couple lie game, lie detector test real with couple voice, first enter the player’s name, then its pops player one tap on mic to record the real voice, and player two record the voice. Tap on next and touch and hold both fingerprints at a time for 4 seconds. Then it will test the lie and truth results of the couple.
In a love test, lovers can scan fingers at the same time, and it shows the love percentage.
You can play with trimer, funny sounds, and hilarious sounds.
Air horn, laughing, clapping, fart, whistle, punch, OMG, police siren, and car remote sound are all funny sounds.
Hilarious Sounds: cat, screen broken, mouse, dog, bomb sounds, fart sounds, door and ghost sounds.
NOTE! The real voice lie detector fingerprint scanner simulator app gives random results, and you don't expect an authentic result from this voice lie detector app. This is a prank app.
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