Anagram Mastery helps with solving anagram puzzles. Find words using letters from a puzzle.
Improve your game: Save words you missed so it will be easier to recall them.
Build your vocabulary: Tap on a word to search for the definition.
Enter letters from the puzzle. If one letter is required, enter it first. The letters will be used to find anagrams in the built-in dictionary and in My List (saved words). Anagrams containing 4 or more letters are included in the results. Results include words that contain some or all of the letters, including words with repeated letters. For example, entering "dog" will include "dodo" and "good" in the results. Tap the "REQ" button to find only anagrams that include the required letter. Tap the "ANY" button to find anagrams using any/all of the puzzle letters.
Results from My List are shown immediately. Results from the dictionary are shown after tapping the reveal button (the eye). Long press a dictionary word to add it to My List. Tap a word to search for the definition using the phone's browser.
Improve your game: Save words you missed so it will be easier to recall them.
Build your vocabulary: Tap on a word to search for the definition.
Enter letters from the puzzle. If one letter is required, enter it first. The letters will be used to find anagrams in the built-in dictionary and in My List (saved words). Anagrams containing 4 or more letters are included in the results. Results include words that contain some or all of the letters, including words with repeated letters. For example, entering "dog" will include "dodo" and "good" in the results. Tap the "REQ" button to find only anagrams that include the required letter. Tap the "ANY" button to find anagrams using any/all of the puzzle letters.
Results from My List are shown immediately. Results from the dictionary are shown after tapping the reveal button (the eye). Long press a dictionary word to add it to My List. Tap a word to search for the definition using the phone's browser.
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