Liqvid EnglishEdge Pvt Ltd
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This app is part of Entrepreneurship Orientation Programme offered by NIESBUD

“I call upon the nation to take a pledge to make India the skill Capital of the world” said Honourable Prime Minister of India addressing the nation from Red fort, New Delhi
National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development is an apex organisation under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India engaged in Training, Consultancy, Research and Publication, in order to promote entrepreneurship. The major activities of the institute consist of Training of Trainers (ToT ), Management Development Programmes (MDP), Entrepreneurship- cum-Skill Development Programmes (ESDP) and Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDP) etc. NIESBUD has provided training to 9,43,625 persons as of March 31, 2016 through 36,877 different training programmes since inception. This includes 3,194 international participants hailing from more than 130 countries throughout the globe. The Institute has been certified as an ISO 9001: 2008 by TUV NORD CERT GmbH, in March, 2014
Key objectives of NIESBUD are:

1.To provide vital information and support to trainers,promoters and entrepreneurs by organising research and documentation activities relevant to entrepreneurship development.
2.To train trainers, promoters and consultants in various areas of entrepreneurship development
3.To serve as an apex national level resource institute for accelerating the process of entrepreneurship development ensuring its impact across the country and among all strata of the society.
4.To help/support and affiliate institutions/organisations in carrying out training and other entrepreneurship development related activities.

NIESBUD EOP Screenshots