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Liturge des Heures

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About Liturge des Heures

The Liturgy of the Hours is a daily Christian prayer, divided into several times of the day, called offices. There are 3 to 8 offices per day according to the monastic orders (3 to 7 for lay people). The Liturgy of the Hours has taken many forms over the centuries, depending on the various Christian denominations, but the principle has remained the same: to pray throughout the day in order to "remain in joy, give thanks and do the will of God ".

As its name suggests, the Liturgy of the Hours is an action of worship carried out ideally in community and by singing. Before the introduction of the breviary towards the end of the eleventh century, it required several books. While the monastic liturgy of the Hours punctuates the day of monastic communities who take turns from hour to hour so that divine praise is not silent either day or night in perpetual prayer, it has gradually become lighter. Instead of the full liturgy of the hours, the Book of Hours was developed in the Middle Ages, with a variety of content, intended for the lay faithful. The majority of practicing Catholics limit themselves to the Angelus (celebrated three times a day) and the Rosary. Some will repeat it four times in a row while practicing the rosary.

Its purpose is to consecrate the hours to the Lord, prolonging the communion with Christ carried out in the Sacrifice of the Mass. The one who prays the office stops working to pray with the Church even if he is physically alone. While private prayer is undoubtedly necessary, it is also necessary that we pray formally together as a Church.

This prayer is entrusted to a specific mandate fundamentally to priests and religious of all kinds. They are observed with special care and attention by monastic communities. However, as it is the official prayer of the Church, it is a prayer proper to all baptized, including the laity.

Public worship of the Church is called a liturgy, performed as a Church, in the name of the Church and in communion with the Church. This includes the rites and ceremonies with which we express the worship of God. The main liturgy is the Holy Mass.

"By the sacramental signs we drink from the sources of salvation to be shaped and transformed until we conform our life to that of Christ"

Pray daily and feel closer to our Lord.

The Liturgy of the Hours is the summit and the source of pastoral action, so that those who participate in it contribute to the growth of the People of God and that prayer becomes a source of Christian life.

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