Hanged Man: Ein Spiel lustiges. Erraten Sie das Wort geheime in dänischer Sprache. My 3 Schwierigkeitsstufen.
Select the letters of the alphabet and guess the secret word. But you must do it before the man being hanged!
A free word game, really 100% free. With 10,000 words to guess.
You can play in the subway, at school, in the office.
It's a fun game, and it's an easy game. And this is a free game.
There are 3 difficulty levels: easy, medium, hard.
The game features a score board. So try to get the highest score possible.
This free game is very addictive and you will always have new words to guess: 10,000 words!
Hanged man - Danish game free
Hangman in English
Select the letters of the alphabet and guess the secret word. But you must do it before the man being hanged!
A free word game, really 100% free. With 10,000 words to guess.
You can play in the subway, at school, in the office.
It's a fun game, and it's an easy game. And this is a free game.
There are 3 difficulty levels: easy, medium, hard.
The game features a score board. So try to get the highest score possible.
This free game is very addictive and you will always have new words to guess: 10,000 words!
Hanged man - Danish game free
Hangman in English
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